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Courses Taught...

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Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FACS) helps prepare students for family life, work life, and careers in family and consumer sciences by providing opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

Food and Nutrition

Students will gain an understanding of the principles of nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Focus will be on the selection and preparation of food and personal health and well-being.  Students will be trained for career opportunities in the food services/culinary arts industry.


Food and Nutrition I/II

Food and Science

Food Service/Culinary Arts

Foundations of Nutrition

ProStart I/II

Child Development

Students prepare for child related careers and/or more extensive parentings skills through personal interaction with children.  Through Early Childhood Education courses, students will gain an understanding of the aspects of human growth and development.


Child Development

Early Childhood Education I/II

Early Childhood Intern

Interior Design

Students will explore their creativity in the field of interior design.  Students wills develop skills in applyig the elements, tools and principles of design to interiors, including architecture, furniture styles and constructions, surface treatments and backgrounds, design and functions of space and lighting.


Interior Design I/II

Advanced Interior Design

Clothing and Textiles

Students will prepare to develop clothing construction and consumer skills and understand the social, psychological, and physiological aspects of clothing and textiles.


Apparel Design and Production I/II

Fashion Design Merchandising

Advanced Fashion Design Merchandising

Fashion Design Studio

Sports and Outdoor Product Design I/II

Textile Design Entreprenuership

Consumerism and Financial Literacy

Students will gain a better understanding of personal finance, which will help them move into adulthood making more informed monetary decisions, realizing a greater potential for personal wealth, and fostering a stronger state and national economy.


Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Adult Roles and Responsibilities

Life Management

Teen Living

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